Tuesday, March 23, 2010

appg 2010 all 200 questions

1. full thickness skin graft antecubital fossa?
2. three point elbow supracondylar fracture
3. hip post dislocation flexion adduction internal rotation
4. osteoma ext. auditory meatus swimming
5. middle year conduction pressure change
6. unilateral sensory-neural deafness herpes zoster
7. endometriosis best is laproscopy
8. mature cataract light perception
9. kidney autopsy pin point hemorrhage malignant hypertension
10. teeth age determination transparency
11. testamental capacity valid will
12. prolactin level for pituitay adenoma bromocriptine
13. copper-t increases tubal motility
14. oc pills mode of action reduces tubal motility
15. iud with norgestrel
16. crutch palsy radial nerve
17. myelodisplasia chronic myelogenous leukemia ( mds includes chronic myelomonocytic leukemia)
18. brenner tumor
19. ectopic adrenal which scan MIBG?
20. olanzapine weight loss
21. zn deficiency
22. donovaniasis leishmania donovani
23. wet mount trichomonas
24. laparoscopy sterilization
25. tilt table- primordial prevention
26. asthma which anaesthetic
27. vocal nodules ANT 2/3 AND POST 1/3
28. lead tube- fallopian tubes in hysterosalpingography TB
29. congenital rubella Mitral stenosis
30. lichen planus or pityriasis rocacea
31. drainage laparoscopy
32. amylase pleural fluid R.A
33. urinary infection
34. throid nodule hemithyroidectomy
36. fast acting cycloplegic tropicamide
37. lower one-third esophagus adenocarcinoma
38. trephination frontal sinus
39. pyramids because they arise from pyramidal cells
40. trotters syndrome maxillary branch of 5th nerve or maxillary branch
41. flamingo pink otosclerosis
42. SLE coombs positve hemolytic anemia
43. blood irradiation GVHD
44. kawasaki's disease
45. hatters which poisoning MERCURY
46. polycythemia vera not seen: spontaneous infection
47. venous thrombosis immobilization
49. AIDS patient DISSEMINATED CANDIDIASIS ( in pneumocystis xray is normal)
50. tumor lysis syndrome hypercalcemia ( it causes hypocalcemia)
51. halbans persistent corpus luteum
52. hand washing prosposed by joseph lister? ( first antiseptic surgery)
53.true abt fovea except max visual acuity
54.canal of petit
55.selenium present in which enzyme glutathione peroxidase
56. doc in neurogenic shock DOPAMINE
57.epituberculosis progressive primary TB
58.retinoic acid syn VITAMIN A TOXICITY
59.diff betn timed vital capacity and vital cap
60.moschowitz procedure done in? ENTEROCOELE
61.subcortical dementia ALZHEIMERS
62.catatonic schizophrenia
63. lenticonus ALPORTS
64.atrialisation in ebsteins
65. broncheictasis HRCT /
66. milestone in peds 36 months
68.6 m child with diarrhea rota virus
69.early diagnosis of leishmania
70.birbeck granules / langhans cells
71.craniospinal irradation
72.cold sterilization ?? GAMMA RAYS
73.shoulder operation which is not an operation option A STARTS WITH B
74.wrist extensors
75.reccurence after CTEV , which deformity EQUINUS
76.tachenoire 3 TO 4 HRS
77.Longest t1/2 in b agonists SALMATEROL
78.pseudocholinesterase MIVACURIUM
79.boys consumes alkaline battery
80. which is not a cause of urinary tract infections
81. remission drugs in ALL (vincristine /prednisone/ l asparaginase/ cytarabine arabinoside)
82. evaluation – spm
83. condom for women
84. hiv max. mother to fetus intrapartum
85. 5th day disease parvo virus
86. first perminant tooth? Molar Tooth.
87.Not Indication of Classical Cesarian section? Cervical fibroid
88. Acalculus Cholecystitis nephrectomy
89)goodels sign-- softening of cervix..
90. causalgia-
91.Hyperkalemia In CRF by all Except- Frusemide
92.ACE Inhibitors C/I in pregnancy.
93. concealed bleed all( rupture aorta,pelvic fracture,femoral fracture) except-- Inra cranial bleed.
94)cancer of cvary stage2 surgery & chemotherapy.
95)bilateral elevation of Diaphraghm in all except( Scoliosis)
96. Women with murmer-----electrophysiology?????
97. ACTH Secreting Tumour??? Carcinoid
98 . nitro blue tetrazolium test.......?
99. storage of blood 4
100. Hiv-Norwegian scabies
101. gamma rays by - cobalt 60
101. nephrotoxic. Cisplatin
102. x ray skull showing lesion at sella......ans... prolactin?
103. GFR....... Ans... 80-90 stage 2
104. bechets syndrome.........?
105. blumer shelf..........? rectal mass
106.somogyui: insulin
107. man only reservior host for ans... salmonellosis
108. rosenthal fibres in pilocytic astrocytoma.
109.piperazine is - h2 blocker
110. stain for mast cells
111. maltoma- mantle cell lymphoma cell lymphoma.
112. not true for benedict's disease- lesion at base of pons
113. lower 1/3 of oesophagus invoved in adenocarcinoma
114. killians dehisence ...........pharyngeal pouch.....
115.a q...... infliximab or rituximab...
116. neutropenia patient all are done except wbc infusion
117. for sever falciparum malaria....... artemesin
118. roths spots. Infective endocarditis
119. plasmid transmitted through – conjugation
120. Testicular artery arises from: abdominal aorta
121. Compartments in the leg: medial
122. Lymph nodes in the cervix of uterus drain to: superficial inguinal
123.. The following doesn't impinge on esophagus: arch of aorta
124. 11. Hereditary non-polyposis coli pathogenesis: nucleotide excision repair???
125. collagen type formed early during wound healing-
126.imp. in pancreatic trauma- duct injury.
127.stomach not supplied by - inferior pancreatoduodenal artery.
128.laparoscopic instruments not sterilised by –
129. sentinel ln biopsy in breast ca. done for- axillary ln dissection.
130.proliferative retinopathy not seen in-?
131. not seen in advanced mouth cancer- ankyloglossia???
132. pyramidal tracts-inhibits cutaneous input
133. rheumatic fever-erythema nodosum
134. caseation necrosis is due to-death of mycobacteria
135. most common cause of physical urticaria-
136..not a side effect of filgastrim-
137. shock-fluids not given until bp falls
138. bone marrow trans plantation used in all except ataxia telengiectasia???
139. women>40yrs-downs syndrome
140. hemochromatosis not cause of death hepatocellular ca.???
141. CIN3 on pap smear,nxt step- LLETZ
142. vaginal ring not used in – PUERPERIUM
143.indicator of cell proliferation- CYTOKERATIN???
144. not true for GIST
145. which is not a screening for breast cancer-SELF EXAMINATION
146. in compartment syndrome which is not done-closing of fascia
147.polyhydramnios causing resp distress in mother-amniocentesis
148. atypical cells seen in endometrium-hysterectomy
149. mid cycle bleeding-mittelschemtz
150.metropathica -CYSTOGLANDULAR appearance
151. all are used in skin traction xcept
152. true for JVP- cannon waves seen in heart block.
153. not true for PEEP
154. muscle not supplied by hypoglossal nerve- palatoglossus.
155.not a content of carotid sheath – common carotid artery
156.gases not neutralized in a vehicle CO, CO2, N2O???
157.not true for ARDS- hypercapnia.
158. first class magistrate -may
159. pseudoporphyia caused by-
160. not true for koepp's nodules- on post. surface of cornea
161. corneal sensation lost in – dendritic???
162. bitemporal diameter of foetus= 8cms
163. lymphangiomyomatosis
164. abortion at 8 wks pregnancy done by suction and evacuation
165.adenoids hypertrophy causes RHINOLALIA CLAUSA
166. CA19.9 not elevated in
167. in twin gestation vaginal delivery is allowed in first twin vertex
168. pas possitive igs- russels bodies
169. twin peak sign is seen in? dichorionic
170.partial mole not seen-diploid
171. which of the following is not true of leptospirosis- antibodies are seen with in 1 wk
172.mcc of esophageal rupture- instrumentation
173. national aids prevention does'nt involve? Community screening ( it is individual screening)
174. renal osteodystrophy all except-raised creatinine????
175. drug with shortest half life : adenosine
176. Rx of acetaminophen poisoning- n-acetyl-cysteine.
177. not a classification for liver carcinoma- robsons
178.not true of malignant melanoma- stage 4 tumor extends into papillary dermis.
179. Baby Friendly Hospitals Dosen't Includes breast feeding after 4 hrs of LSCS
180. Seewage
181. sarcoma not having lymphatic spread- EPITHELOID GRANULOMA??
182. varicocele treatment shows max. improvement in- SPERM COUNT
183. naturally ocurring toxin resulting in hepatic ca.- aflatoxin
184. B lynch procedure PPH treatment
185. brain injury which aminoacid is GLUTAMINE
186. Glasgow coma scale not correct SENSORY RESPONSE
187. a nurse after dressin should throw it in a yellow bag nd send it fr incineration.
188. anterior staphyloma most common cause PERFORATED ULCER
189. mediastinal parietal pleura phrenic nerve
190. basal metabolism na-k atpase
192. placenta previa bout of vaginal bleeding CAESARIAN SECTION
193. renal carcinoma renal vein
194. drainage laparoscopy
195. pseudoporphyria
196. LDL receptor LIPOPROTEIN A3
197. a boy gets drowned and stays under water for 20 minutes,......what should you do
198 . hepatic encephalopathy
200. typing before transplantation HLA, DR,DW combis.

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